Transforming Retail for the Digital Age

With over 20 years of industry experience and its innovative solutions, Crosscan is a strong partner when it comes to digital transformation for retail analytics and footfall measurement.

Crosscan is the inventor

of one of the first cloud-based retail analytics platform solutions

25,000 installed systems

exchange their data with the Crosscan platform in real time

Crosscan Connect

is used and supported by service providers in more than 49 countries

SAVE THE DATE – Preparations for the upcoming EuroCIS 2025 are already in full swing. We are looking forward to welcoming you again at Europe's largest and most important trade fair for retail technology in Düsseldorf from 18-20 February 2025.

At our booth in Hall 10 - Position A56 we are going to show you our comprehensive retail analytics portfolio with some updates and interesting news.

You are cordially invited!

Plan your visit and book a meeting with us, where we are happy to provide you a ticket code for the free entrance.

Retail Analytics

Big Data Besucheranalyse, KPI Vergleich, Personaleinsatz planen, Store Comparison, People counting

Big Data

Visitor analysis


Store Comparisons

Staff Planning

Retail Index

Store Analytics: Filialdaten analysieren, für optimale Produktperformance, customer route tracking

Store Analytics

Analysis of Store Data

Sales Analysis

Staff Planning

Product Performance

Retail Analytics, Besucherfrequenz ermitteln, Kaufhistorie, Customer Analytics, Shopper Data

Customer analytics


Purchasing and Visit History

Movement Behaviour Analyses


Connect with customers, gezielte Kundenansprache, Kundenbewegungen messen, Loyalität stärken

Customer Connection

Targeted Customer Approach

Increased Customer Loyalty

Visitor Flow Tracking

Increased Service Degree

White Paper - 3D Sensor Technology

The technical principles behind people counting - a look into people counters available on the market and decision-making tools for brick-and-mortar retail.

Get our new white paper for free!

In English | Spanish | French Polish

How It Works

Crosscan not only offers retailers the insights they need to have to understand their customers but the tools they need to have to build close customer relationships through unique shopping experiences.

Learn more

Customers Around the Globe

Whether in the store, online or on mobile devices, millions of shoppers want to have their very own shopping experience. Our customers have realized that they need to find increasingly compelling ways to establish close ties to customers.

Strong partner network

Our local partners offer a full service internationally for our visitor frequency measurement and retail analytics - from consulting, project management and installation to support.

Find out more about our network here...

The Crosscan App

The Crosscan Connect app provides real-time data from the Crosscan Connect platform, enabling real-time analysis and reporting for your stores: anytime, anywhere and with intuitive usability.


Store comparisons and the examination of individual store KPIs increase awareness of the current situation and provide you with the opportunity to act directly and successfully manage operations.


Now available for iOS, Android and Watch

Great thoughts produce great ideas

That is why our team is made up of talented and experienced programmers, software engineers and business thinkers. 

Having valid data is leading to a reliable analysis and thus making the strategic insights most valuable for our clients.

Crosscan is one of the largest system providers for measuring footfall and conducting retail analyses. Why? Because we are are perfecting the process of converting visitors to customers on a daily basis. Simple as that.

Over 800 brands and retailers rely on Crosscan for the analysis of their data.

Vitracom GmbH, a spin-off from the Fraunhofer Institute based in Karlsruhe and one of the pioneers in the field of sensor development, has been part of Crosscan since 2018. Their hardware competence complements Crosscan's expertise in the area of software development and thus enables the entire value chain to be offered holistically with a high degree of customisation.